What You Need To Focus On During Chicken Manure Compost ele Tags: chicken dung disposal, chicken litter compost equipment, chicken manure as fertilizer, chicken manure compost line, commercial compost turning machine, composting machine for sale, organic fertilizer fermentation 0 During chicken manure compost, you need to pay attenton to following aspects: 2.1 Suitable fermentation raw materials Organic matter is the main nutrient for composting microorganisms. Composting microorganisms must maintain an appropriate ratio of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) elements in organic matter, and it is generally believed that the appropriate carbon-nitrogen ratio (C/N) is […] Read more
How To Turn Your Composting Pile Faster To Speed Up The Composting Process ele Tags: animal manure compost turner, animal waste composting machine, commercial compost turning machine, composting process, large composting machine for animal manure 0 Composting is a process that can take several months. It is a natural system or decomposition through what is called the aerobic method. The organic waste that you place in a pile will naturally decompose. However, it can take a considerable amount of time if you do not turn the pile over. This allows for […] Read more