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How To Setup A Organic Fertilizer Plant

How To Setup A Organic Fertilizer Plant

Market study

– analyzing target market and organic fertilizer market trends in your country/local (past supply & present demand);

When it comes to start organic fertilizer produciton business, there is indeed a large market. In essence,your target market can’t be restricted to just a farmers who are strictly cultivating organic crops, but all those who are involved any form of crop cultivation; deciding your annual production quantity based on the present market demand indicated in your market analysis and considering technological aspect of the project. Usually, organic fertilizer plant operates double shift 16 hours a day and 300 days a year. According to you requirements, SX can provide you different organic fertilizer manufacturing plans for your choice.

Whole process of organic fertilizer production line
Whole process of organic fertilizer production line

Site selection

Virtually every aspect of organic fertilizer production and marketing will at last in part be affected by the choice of plant site. Proper site selection is a prerequisite to the establishment of safe and effective organic fertilizer making operations. Site selection criteria:

  • Organic fertilizer factory sties should be located at such a distance to ensure that their will not be any potential adverse impacts from compost site runoff into surface waters, and to promise that the smell of manure fermentation won’t affect people in residential areas.
  • Accessibility to customers, suppliers (of raw materials and supporting services),& workers.
  • Transportation infrastructure (roads, rail etc.) and utilities(water, power and energy supplier).
  • Affordability of land, rent

Click here for more details about organic fertilizer plant starting

Related equipment used in organic fertilizer production
Related equipment used in organic fertilizer production

Inputs raw & auxiliary materials

The best material used to make organic fertilizer includes: animal wastes from meat processing, peat, manure slurry, food waste, plant wastes from agriculture, treated sewage sludge, paper scraps, olive leaves, palm oil waste, biogas waste, vinegar residue, sugar mill waste etc. These materials usually contains rich nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. They are necessary for the growth of crops and plants.

Organic Fertilizer Equipment purchasing

Finished high quality organic fertilizer buying is also impotant for organic fertilizer plant setup and how to promote your organic fertilizer quality. If you need, you can check for quality equipment of organic fertilizer manufacturing .

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