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Introduction to the Simple Process Flow of Organic Fertilizer Production

Introduction to the Simple Process Flow of Organic Fertilizer Production

The whole process can be simply divided into three processes: pre-treatment, one-time fermentation, and post-treatment.

Pre-treatment: After the compost raw materials are transported to the storage yard, they are weighed on a scale and sent to the mixing and stirring device. The production and domestic organic wastewater cannot be mixed in the factory. Clean water must be used. Then add organic and biological fermentation compound bacteria (1-2kg per ton of raw materials), and roughly adjust the moisture content of the organic fertilizer according to the raw material composition (chicken manure: cassava residue or mushroom residue: straw = 6: 2: 2) , The ratio of carbon to nitrogen is 20-30. After mixing, enter the next process. When making ingredients, the brown sugar must be dissolved in water first, and then the organic fertilizer fermented biological bacteria must be added and mixed thoroughly, and then the diluted solution shall be evenly sprinkled on the raw materials, and the organic fertilizer mixer shall be used to stir evenly.

Double Shafts fertilizer crushing machine

Note: Compost raw materials should be processed several hours in advance, soaked with water, and the water used to dilute the biological fermentation bacteria should be treated as drinking water without disinfectants (such as bleach, etc.).

Primary fermentation: The mixed raw materials are sent to the primary fermentation workshop with a loader, and piled into a fermentation pile. At the same time, use an organic fertilizer turning machine for about 2 days to turn the pile, and add water and nutrients, and control the fermentation temperature at 50℃~ 65°C (hot by hand), aerobic fermentation is carried out. The fermentation cycle of this project is 8 days. The raw material is fed into one tank and one semi-finished product is discharged every day. After the fermented semi-finished product is discharged, it is ready to enter the next process.

a completed rotary drum drying equipment

Post-processing: The finished compost is further screened, and the under-sieved material is processed separately according to the moisture content. After being granulated, the under-sieve is sent to a dryer for drying, and various additives are added in proportion (see Appendix 2 for additives), and then stirred and mixed to make finished products, which are divided into packaging and put into storage for sale. The oversize is returned to the crushing process for reuse.

4-wheel type windrow compost turner
4-wheel type windrow compost turner

In summary, the entire process specifically includes physical dehydration of fresh crop straw → crushing of dry raw materials → sieving → mixing (mixing of crop straws crushed by strains of fresh livestock and poultry manure in proportion) → composting fermentation → temperature change observation → Blowing, turning over the pile → moisture control → sieving → finished product → packaging → warehousing.

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